Dear IAP President or Secretary,

Please pass on this message to your Division members.  

The full process for the 2016 IAP/ESP Cologne Congress Bursaries was made available to us recently and for this Congress the processing is different than at past Congresses. 

Bursary applicants will need to submit their documents through the 2016 IAP/ESP Congress website at  so all bursary applications will be processed in a standard manner 


The IAP and ESP will provide a limited number of bursaries to support the attendance of residents and trainees in pathology at the congress in Cologne. Bursaries include a free registration to the congress, up to 5 nights hotel accommodation and a monetary grant of € 150 (for applicants from Europe) / € 500 (for applicants from outside Europe). Membership of the ESP or (and) an IAP Division and submission of an abstract are required. A CV, proof of residency and a supporting letter - to explain why the bursary is needed - have to be submitted during the application process.

The application deadline is 28 April 2016.


Please be sure to apply for a visa as soon as possible if you require one for entry to Germany as processing is expected to be slow. Thank you for your patience.   


With best regards,

Charles Ramey


David F. Hardwick, MD, FRCPC, LLD
Interim Secretary International Academy of Pathology
Professor RFT McMahon, BSc MD FRCPath
Secretary, International Academy of Pathology
Hospital Dean for Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust
Honorary Consultant Pathologist, Department of Histopathology
Manchester Royal Infirmary, Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9WL, UK
Tel:     +44 161 276 8815
Fax:    +44 161 276 6348